Lick My Rainbow is an erotic hybrid poetry book exploring sensitivity, intimacy, and ways we acknowledge and experience pleasure in both the planned and unplanned parts of our everyday lives. Accepting feelings. An example of how it might look for a person to accept how they feel about their feelings. My Rainbow is about uncovering feelings we did not know existed, and then, celebrating the pain, pleasure, and confusion we may experience that comes from the discovery of ourselves. We need all of it for learning and joy. Every letting go (thought, idea, story, physical ailment, or loss of any kind) requires a grieving process. This book is the exemplification of the life cycle of those feelings through images, intimacy prompts, poetry, and prose. 

Rainbow Tongue PNG


Lick My RAinbow

is an erotic hybrid poetry book on feeling, vulnerability, and pleasure.

Lick My Rainbow is currently available at Shag… a sexy shop in Williamsburg, ChiChi’s corner antique booth in PA, and for online orders via Amazon.